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DigiSmart Writing: Animals

4.0 ( 9120 ratings )
Utvecklare: LIFT for Learning

Designed to improve children’s writing skills and confidence. Motivates children to write with clarity, fluency and enjoyment. Contains 30 fascinating wow factor animal fact files and 150+ full colour zoomable animal photos. All fact files provide an accessible reading platform, progressing to more sophisticated vocabulary and sentence structures. 

Contains Activity projects with depth and variety, plus wealth of extra resources.

Helps children (a) plan, research and focus on clear accurate presentation of writing, (b) use descriptive language in creative and distinctive ways, (c) construct a case for persuasive writing, (d) enjoy experimenting with a range of styles and contexts for different audiences.

This app can be used on its own as a highly motivating writing stimulus and resource. It is also a great extension to the DigiSmart Reading Skills app.

TEACHERS: Use with whole classes, smaller groups and individual children.
Children can use DigiSmart Writing independently.

Supports remote learning.

• Improves clarity, accuracy and fluency of writing
• Develops a wide range of writing skills
• Fosters curiosity and reasons to write
• Strong and varied topic-based Activities
• In-app thesaurus encourages descriptive writing
• Presentation and performance tutorials
• 30 fabulously appealing animal fact files
• Over 150 full-colour zoomable animal photographs
• Supportive and progressional reading platform
• Grounded in solid teaching and learning principles

Safe environment for children and young people. No live links.

No third-party ads or in-app purchases.